Manistee Suicide Prevention Walk 2018
Published September 20, 2018The LRBOI Be Da Bin Behavioral Heath and Centra Wellness along with various community partners belonging to the Manistee Co Suicide Prevention and Awareness Coalition have been working together to bring prevention and awareness training to our community. This year during National Suicide Prevention Week we took on a huge challenge for our small coalition by sponsoring a couple of big events. As many of you know the coalition brought the movie "Suicide-the Ripple Effect" to the Vogue theater for a free community showing. We had 56 people who attended the movie and a wonderful panel of 3 CWN clinicians who answered questions from the audience. The coalition also sponsored a poster design contest- "Inspiring Hope" for Manistee Co middle school students. We were able to provide 4 winners with prizes thanks to the generosity of Meijer in Manistee and the Vogue Theater. We had the largest turn-out ever our suicide prevention walk! The coalition was over whelmed with the response from the community and have renewed hope that our message is being heard! Thank you to everyone who attended our events or helped in any way. Working together as a community can we bring hope to people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts.
Watch the 2018 Suicide Prevention Walk video here!